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Computer Science

How I got here

I first started programming making games, using a visual scripting website called Scratch. I loved using Scratch but wanted to make bigger games.

I started by learning C# (see-sharp), so I could build games in the Unity game engine, but I didn't really learn much until I took the computer science course at my school. The course was based around the programming language Python and run through CMU CS Academy.

I flew through the curriculum at about three times the speed of instruction! By the end of the second unit, I had already made a small game. I finished the curriculum in less than half the time I should of taken. That is when I first started working with Django.

Django is a web-framework that uses the Python programming language in the backend (Used to build this website). From there I had to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript, for the front end of websites. I eventually went back and started building games again with Unity and even went on to build a Holstein Breeding Program Simulation website for my dad, a Penn State Dairy Science Professor.

Programming Experience





Java Script



e.event Scratch
e.event C#
e.event Unity
e.event CMU CS Academy
e.event First Python Game
e.event Django
e.event HTML
e.event CSS
e.event Java Script
e.event Cow Prog Released
e.event Fortran

This is a collection of early games I made in scratch, Alien Tower Defense[M,D], Twig[M,D] and Superseed and the Great Oak[D].
Superseed and the Great Oak was a game I made with my brother Isaac. I made the music and did the programming while he made the art level design and storyline.
Each game uses completely custom art and sounds and programming. I found when making these games, that the hardest parts where not the programming as I was lead to beleve, but rather the art and especially the sound effects and music.

M = Mobile Control Support, D = Desktop Control Support.
Games imported using TurboWarp embed.

Shoot the aliens before they get past the path. Click to buy sell and upgrade Tanks. After starting a round you may not buy or upgrade tanks so be careful

Use the arrow keys or on screen buttons to spin. Bounce of walls in the direction you are facing. Try to find the flag as fast as posible.

'a' key to open/close map and menu. Left/Right arrow keys to move. Up arrow to jump. Space to interact with npc & advance dialogue. 'x' to shoot (gun power-up needed). 'z' to dash (dash power-up needed). To save game: Enter save point then copy and past save code. To load save code: Click "Enter Code" from start screen then paste it in.